Creating good work habits is all about building a smart schedule that works for you. Schedule your time, your client time, workouts, self-care – everything!

Scheduling done properly doesn’t put constraints on you; doesn’t limit you. Instead, an optimal schedule:

  • Creates more free time
  • Cuts down on exhaustion, strain, stress, and confusion
  • Promotes clarity and focus
  • Helps you be more productive
  • Helps you develop good habits – and break bad ones
  • Promotes goal-setting success
  • Creates a strong structure and framework for life

You remember things better when you get into the habit of sticking to a schedule. You prioritize better. Sticking to a schedule becomes a habit, making it much easier to beat procrastination. It increases self-respect and self-worth. You feel productive, focused, efficient – and stress-free.

Life no longer consists of a mad scramble; of sleepless nights knowing you didn’t prepare for tomorrow’s meeting or wondering if you’re going to meet your launch deadline. And the more you stick to your schedule, the easier everything about your business gets.

Generally speaking, creating an optimal schedule and cultivating good habits is pretty hard for me. I have the self-discipline of a toddler. I’m clearly a work in progress when it comes to habits, but I will share my top 3 that will help you build a strong schedule – one that will keep you on track and on target.

This month’s theme is Destress Your Business and in today’s episode, I’m sharing the secret to developing good work habits.

Catch up!

Looking for a shortcut?
Check out my new Business-Building Action Kit: 7 Ways to Destress Your Business!